Figs have always been a family passion

When I was a kid, I was in charge of putting the netting over our fig trees. I was the most nimble, and I suppose the most willing to scale the branches. My sister used to create ugly scarecrows, and my brother put rocks into tin cans and rigged up a string system so they'll jingle loudly if a magpie sat on a branch.

We did all this to save our delicious, precious figs. I knew they were in demand (by people and birds alike!), but what I didn't know at the time was just how rare and interesting they were.

From humble beginnings...

My Father grew up tending figs on the Dalmatian coast of Croatia in the 1940s and 50s - just like his father before him. When he arrived in Australia in the early 1960s he brought with him a humble Modria fig plant - the very plant I spent my youth protecting.

A few years ago my father and I realised that this fig plant needed to live on, and therefore needed to be shared. Some time ago we also started cultivating other species, have managed to trade some unique cuttings, and even propagate some new boutique varieties.

We're excited that we are now ready to share our produce with families across the country.

So - get the netting ready, and decide who is on scarecrow duty. Figs are a family affair! Just ask my son James the only boy in his class!